Today we went to Home Depot to get an air compressor and some potting soil. What we left with, what was definitely not an air compressor. As we were walking around the store, with the air compressor in the shopping cart, it got harder and harder for me to justify why I would be purchasing an air compressor. We put the air compressor back and head towards the herb gardens that Rose wanted to get. On the way there, we find the
Toppsy Turvey stand.
Since I have gone on the Paleo diet, I have been thinking about starting my own garden. Not only would a garden allow me to ensure that I am getting healthy vegetables, but it will also cut down on the cost of groceries. So we decided to get a Tomato and Herb and a Pepper Toppsy Turvey.
Needless to say, we walked out with everything we needed to start growing our indoor garden for about the same cost of the Air Compressor. Lets hope I can make some good healthy peppers. I will be attempting to grow some chili, habanero, a jalapeno hybrid (I think it grows bigger), and some good ole Sweet Bell Peppers. We also got some Roma Tomato seeds, and quite a few herbs. If nothing else the house will smell good.